Restraining Orders
The Children's Court deals with restraining order applications involving children. This includes whether the order is to protect a child or is against a child.
The person who applies for a restraining order is the applicant. If the application is granted, they are the protected person.
The person the application is made against is the respondent. They are the person bound by the order.
The Aboriginal Mediation Service helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people resolve conflicts. Before the conflict can escalate into violence or result in court action. This is a free service in a culturally safe environment.
Family Violence Restraining Order
If you need protection due to the risk of family violence from a family member.
Misconduct Restraining Order
If you need protection from someone making trouble or damaging property.
National Domestic Violence Order Scheme
Allows Family Violence Restraining Orders to be enforced across Australia.
Violence Restraining Order
Protection from personal violence from a person who is not a family member.
See also...
Legal Aid - Restraining Orders
Last updated: 11 July 2024